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Tiny Acorns Nursery opened in 2009 as a newly refurbished setting, with new toys, equipment and facilities. The environment is well maintained, bright, clean and homely, designed to provide a welcoming space for our children to play and learn in.

What you can expect 

Babies and children from 0-2 years

In 2012 we expanded the nursery and built a brand new, separate 0-2 room for the younger age group of children at the nursery. The building is light, bright, colourful and spacious and is situated across the garden from the main building, which is home to our 2-5 year olds.
In our baby room the routine is flexible, adapted to follow the routine from home as closely as possible. You will be given daily feedback detailing the times, amounts and food your child has eaten, when they slept and the key activities they have been doing. All drinks (except baby milk), food, nappies and wipes are provided. We ask you to bring spare clothing in a named bag and spare bedding for your child to use.

We have a quiet / sleep section of the room where all our babies can sleep undisturbed in their own cot or have quieter, 1:1 time with their key worker, as well as a spacious, well equipped activity area.

We know that children under 2 years old are in a period of discovery and stimulation. We have an abundance of toys, resources and activities which are designed to help them develop their balance, coordination and motor skills, and stimulate their sensory skills at ground level. As they become more independent we will introduce toys that help them recognise objects, shapes and colours. They will enjoy messy play, musical activities and group mealtimes, and daily play sessions outside either in the soft play area, under the canopy or on the grass.

Piglets - Our children from 2-3 years

Once they are walking independently and are confident in their movement, we will discuss transitioning your child from the 0-2 building through to the main room. All children in our 2-3 year age group will have activities designed to meet their stage of development, and they will also enjoy some group times with the older children.

In the 2+ room we follow a more structured routine with set meal/ snack times, group times and outside play.  We include a wide range of activities including dough play, shape sorting, soft books, songs and musical activities, sand and water play, messy play, role play. A key focus will be on developing language and communication skills and introducing the children to self-care: starting to put on their own coats and shoes, potty training, hand washing etc

All our children will participate in group eating times, where we promote:

  • Physical development - cutlery control and taking your own portions of food
  • Personal and social development - time to talk and share
  • Numeracy - counting and laying the table
  • Language development - reading your name on placemats
  • Knowledge and understanding of the world - where the food comes from

Tiggers - Our children from 3-5 years

From 3 years onwards, we continue to use the early learning goals to provide structure to our activities and learning through play, whilst beginning to focus on the preparation for school.

We have a cosy reading/ quiet room where they can relax with their favourite book or puzzle, a computer for beginning to master keyboard skills and hand/ eye coordination, a language, literacy, maths and science zone for mark making, learning their numbers and letters, counting, sorting and exploration, a construction area for building, stacking and creating, a cosy home corner complete with kitchen, front door and dressing up,  plus lots of open space for them to be active or quiet with their chosen toy or game! Tray puzzles, lacing, dexterity and construction games help them to develop logical thinking and concentration skills.


Copyright 2009. By www.nurseryweb.co.uk.